Sunday, 30 November 2014

What benefit do you get for being royal serving the government

Someone might wonder what kind of question is that which i put across. This is due to the feeling that swims deep within my heart about the question. After seeing a you tube video that was put up by an investigative Ktn tv journalist Mohammed Ali, it puts me in a state that i can not explain. It was just put up last year, so it is not that old, though am not updated on what have happened to that man since then.

Who am i talking about ? am talking about a man who was one of the most committed men to serve the government to a point that he almost lost his life, not once but several times. He is the man that killed three robbers which had troubled the government for a long time.
It all started when these robbers came up with robberies and killings without fear. They could not be arrested since they were so wise and knew when the law enforcers were near. More so, they had very powerful weapons and they never feared to shoot anyone who was a menace to their lives. They troubled the police for a long time having no one who could tackle them.

This man Daniel Seronei came up and requested for a special training in Israel which could help him fight these robbers. He was granted that and went to Israel for a time to train. On coming back, he was ready to fight these three robbers who were famously known as Waraster, Wanugu and Washushu. Any Kenyan who hears those names can be able to recall that they have heard about them at one point or another.
To cut the story short just watch the video below about the same.

The end payment that he got is to fired in a way that can not be explained and still in his poor life, he remains with a bullet in his body which requires him one million shillings to remove. Since he can not raise the money, he remains in poor health risky to his life. Those are the fruits of serving the government.

Do the Kenyans Know the meaning of Democracy

The word democracy from a Britannica dictionary is stated as, "The government of the people by the people". These words are famously known as the words which were said by the renown president of the United States of America , Abraham Lincoln at a burial of American soldiers. The dictionary further elaborates that, Democracy in a state puts equality on all the citizens of the country. This also shows that it is for the people who respect their political power. In a world of democracy, the minor group which does not take the say, they are supposed to keep quiet and take the voice of the majority. This is not what have happened in our country for the last fifty years that elections have been done. 

If you tract the history of our country, after every five years, there is someone taken to court for accusation that, they stole votes in the past election. This have happened continuously except the year 2007 when no one went to court. This resulted in a big trouble that shook the Kenyan lands to the roots. The looser decided to take advantage of the Kenyans' ignorance and solve it on the streets. This is what really presented the real picture of the kinds of citizens that the country of Kenya is made of. If someone could have thought that you can move into any part of this nation and live there as if you are home, they were warned and given a history to warn their children after them. The big guys just kept quiet as their royals were butchered and lost everything that they had worked for over the long lives that they had lived at those places. The voice was uttered as it has been done before that Democracy is on trial. My question is, was it democracy which was on trial or it was individuals who thought that they are always right. 

If this is what was meant by the government of the people by the people, a fear to declare that it would have been better to be ruled by a dictator that values human life than to have democracy. After all, it might result into preservation of more life than when we fight and loose our lives for democracy. The founder of democracy meant that, people should compare the leadership ability of the people they elect and then choose the best out of them. For the Kenyan condition, we choose people; first on the condition of tribe, two on the condition of their historical background and others follow after that. This is the reason why it have been so violent when "the democracy of the people of Kenya" have made some people loose, they get back to the law of the jungle of trying to solve it physically. 

If our seniors who we call the corrector s of the government keep throwing abusive language onto our leaders, i fear what the illiterate Kenyans can do if they were presented with a chance to do something. The condition in which we live make one peace loving person feel like running away from this nation and never coming back again. 

Saturday, 29 November 2014

Pesa mashinani Campaign is like covering your nakedness with your hands

Our leaders are supposed to know what they are talking about or else, their recklessness might be seen by their royals and from that day they will rule no one for everyone will have left them. We have freedom of speech and freedom of election, but this is not supposed to be a sphere to fight with. It should be one to protect yourself when you are attacked. Our leaders are using the wrong weapon to fight this battle

Who in Kenya does not know how so many of our leaders are corrupt. Even the nursery school kids know that a bribe is very common in their nation. It is almost open in some offices that are supposed to serve Kenyan people free of charge. Yet our governors come up shouting that they need more money in the rural areas. How does this money help the people of this country, or it only ends up in your pockets. Visit so many counties in this country and you will realize that all the money that the goverment disburses to those counties is invisible. 

If your pesa mashinani campaign suceeds, do you think that the lives of the common kenyans will change. I doubt that from a point of experience, it will only help the governors buy bigger vehicles and built more plots. The common mwananshi will remain even more poorer for the government will tax more to pay more. This will only create a more darker condition for the Kenyan people.

If the governors think that they want to help Kenyans, let them first stop corruption from their own household first. Then get to office and sack all workers who can not reform and then show us what they have done with the little that the government is giving them before they ask for more. If these things are not done, then all is not well and we need to look at them in a different eye. If you request for more to help  me and am not helped, am worried who you are fighting for.
Then it might be necessary to rename "pesa mashinani" campaign as "Pesa mifukoni mwa magovernor"

Paths of rich and poor never meet in Kenya

Many of the Kenyans experience lives which they do not have a clue why they live that way. It have not been any different from the beginning that the children of the poor end up in poverty. The children of the rich Kenyans end up rich. The children of the learned end up learned, the children of the leaders end up leaders. 

To break this chain of History, you need to be more powerful such that you will do the work that was supposed to be done by both your father and your grandfather. If you are a semi-determined man or woman who is easily affected by what others are saying or by the look at which others see you, then you are very unlucky for you can not make it far.

How is it possible to go on with your education when you are required to pay tens of thousands if not hundreds of thousands. Your guardian or parent can only afford hundreds of shillings in months.At that time they have worked to death for even feeding themselves is a challenge.  The government in that case have provided bursaries for the sake of such, but those bursaries only remain a story. These money end up in the schools where children of the close Aries of the member of parliament study. Being started by the members of the Cdf boards and workers in the offices of the cdf and the Mp. If you are lucky enough that you could have met the Mp at some instance, you might get the share which is not guaranteed. Otherwise, the children of parents who have no history do not have a base.

 Do you think that it is an easy task to go to work, get your own school fees, pay it and settle down in class to read. This is happening in Kenya, and have happened to many people including the writer of this article. Furthermore, how much energy do you think you require for you to overcome words of your teacher who keeps showing you how helpless you are. Simply because he/she knows how helpless your mother was when she was in that local primary school. Teachers who know the history of the parent of certain children in Kenya have been found discouraging those children in the name of correction. These children end up believing that they are just like their parents who were not successful academically and can not go far too. 

Why should it not happen when a teacher teaches in the same school for three school generations of eight years. What can make that teacher believe that this child will amount into anything when she has taught both the mother and the grandmother and they amounted into nothing. This teacher is human and takes up human mind in judgement. The victim is the only one to suffer and his/her life be put into grave danger. Who's fault is it in that case ?. Let them who think that they are wise come up with a solution to that problem that is facing our nation. If this problem does not find a solution in the near future, then our song of security will be sang for another century and will never be solved. How do you expect someone who was brought up to grow into nothing be royal to his country. He will have to live or die in struggle to live than die of desperation.

Uhuru Kenyatta is the best president Kenya has ever got

Without considering politics or opinions of the political leaders, i think it is clear that president Uhuru Kenyatta is the best president Kenya has ever got in the past fifty years. The reasons are simple and clear, there has been no other that could do some things that he has done.

Starting with his father, you could not point a finger at him without expecting drastic consequences. For you to keep safe, you had to give him the respects of a garrant leader. Those who thought that they can just do anything because Kenya is sovereign country. They could be allowed to do so as far as they do not interfere with the peace of Kenyan people. You could not get near him just that easy without being someone huge in government.

When moi came to power, he held the nyayo song and kept the tread of Jommo. One Nation one party one people. Some people came up saying that, that was not the way, but they can tell you that it was not that easy for them to succeed. They struggled a real one to go against the words of the president.

Kibaki was a silent man, though he was talked against strongly by some leaders, he said nothing. The bad part about him is that he did not take his time for the common citizen. He remained so official and like a president.
Uhuru Kenyatta though he has been brought up in the royal family, he identifies himself so much with the common mwananshi. He has portrayed interest in knowing what Kenyans do at the low levels of life. He has traveled once in a matatu. He has traveled to Hague just as a citizen. He even talked like a common Kenyan when he was elected. Even inviting journalists for tea, something that have never been heard of in the past.
Thubs up for our president.

Origin of Kenyan foes

I think, this is supposed to be the moment that Kenyans are supposed to look back at where they have come from and realize the difference between now and the past. Leadership is a very important factor that every Kenyan who cares about their future and the future of their children are supposed to look at deeply. If the leadership is not right over the years, then the future of our children is in grave danger.

It all started with the very fist president of the republic of Kenya, the late Mzee Jommo Kenyatta. He was a man of strong stand who could not entertain or compromise with fracas makers. He stood firm and with his leadership, the Kenya that we see was born.His conflict with the late Jalamogi Onginga Ondinga gave birth to a conflict that will never be solved by any human being, unless the creator comes. Any child born in Kikuyu land today will know that there was this conflict before they go to nursery school. Similarly any child who is born in western Kenya will know that land was taken before they learn how to shew fish. This was in the name of democracy and diversification of leadership.

Moi followed with his " Fuata nyayo theme" .Kenyans had to sing this for it is the one that brought freedom to our country. With moi's rule, so many incidences rose up. People claimed that they wanted multiparty leadership. With a claim that the one party leadership was dictatorial. For sure it was, but according to me, Kenya have experienced more success with dictatorial leadership than with the current democratic one. The theme from western Kenya that' Land was taken' was inherited to the Rift valley. This was the only song that Kenyans could understand so that these men could involve them in politics. Democracy being the chorus of the song and land being the theme of the song, forward they marched without telling Kenyans what is meant by democracy. Ask them even today, Kenyans do not know the meaning of democracy. They know that they go for elections to shun the leaders who were talked against by their community leaders.

With Mwai Kibaki, the climax of democracy came to full swing and that is what produced so many problems for this country. One thousand lives were taken within a few months in the name of democracy. My questions to Kenyans is, What benefits have you acquired since you were given democracy. If you think, that this question looks primitive, take your time and look at majority of Kenyans and tell me whether they even understand what is democracy. If you live in Nairobi, please take your time and learn Kenya for Nairobi is like a foreign town compared to the wider Kenya.

The leadership of Uhuru Kenyatta is suffering a lot of problems. These problems have not come now, they have been inherited from the former government which was a government of president and prime minister at the same time. The nusu Mkate thing is the one that gave birth to all these problems and taken them down to the current time. Now with Mwai Kibaki thinking that Kenya was mature enough to hold the devolved government system, he only created a bigger problem to the future leader. Any logical thinking man can look at the Governor-senator leadership and can tell that Kenya was not ready for this thing. 

Before any man can blame the president for the insecurity and the other problems facing Kenya, let them take their time and ask themselves where these problems came from. Furthermore, ask yourself how far can the president do to solve these and whether he is doing it or not.

Kenyan people

Kenya is a country in the eastern part of Africa specifically in the East Africa. It is a country that has many  natural resources from minerals to fertile soil which is capable of producing a lot in terms of Agricultural produce. Kenya was given its independence in 1963 after spending approximately 68 years under the British colonial rule. The first African leader that was established in Kenya was a prime minister who was then became the the first president of the republic of Kenya the late Mzee Jommo Kenyatta, after Kenya was declared into a state. 

The development of the republic of Kenya has not been proportional to the amount of resources that the country owns. If its development can be compared with other countries who have been even lower economically, it is alarming and shows that something have been wrong somewhere. For example, if Kenyan economic growth is compared to that of Singapore from 1965 to 2014. The diversity is heaven-Earth apart, despite the fact that in 1965, the state of Singapore was separated from Malaysia on the basis of race and the fact that after the parliament of Malaysia met. They agreed that Singapore was of no economic importance to the state of Malaysia. This resulted in a lot of pain to the Prime minister of Singapore Lee Kuan Yew which put him into fire to develop his state. 

The state of Kenya has 42 tribes which are closely linked into three language groups which are; Bantus, Nilotes and Cushites. Members of each of the three language groups compare each as distant brothers. The problem comes when there is a competition of either resources or power between two members from different language groups. These has been instances where tribalism has portrayed itself clearly resulting even into war. 

The wisdom of uniting the three language groups in Kenya would be the only secret to taking Kenya into great heights.besides one pest that can be said to have eaten almost everything called corruption. This has only been portrayed once in the history of Kenya in good faith and in good heart. Though it has not been fully successful due to the royalty of certain tribes to their leaders. We are still looking forward to a moment that Kenya will be one and corruption free country helping its people.

Thursday, 27 November 2014

A few questions to former prime minister of Kenya

Former Prime minister
Since, you have been accusing the president and his government that there is nothing they are doing for the sake of peace of our country, my question is. When the Kenyan armed forces were being sent to Somalia for the operation Linda Nchi, who was the closest man to the president ? If the president could have changed his mind on the same, who was the person easiest to influence that decision ?

We do not deny that Kenya is suffering insecurity which is mainly caused by the Alshabab attacks, but the truth is, in the realm of history you have been in a position to control this insecurity in the past than the president is able to control it now. This suggests that, even if we elected as the president of Kenya, we still believe that you can not help us solve this.

And much more, Mr prime minister, if you talk with the Kenyan citizens at the ground level, do they tell you, between now and when you were the prime minister, when life have been unbearable ?. Am very sure you do not have an answer to that. If you have, you could not talk about cost of life at this time.

The next question Mr prime minister, if you were the president, then you were sent to Hague, would you give away your power and travel like a common mwananshi ? If yes, then why are people of your community suffering in Kibera and have been since you were the prime minister. Are those people not in Lang'ata constituency where you have been member of parliament for a long time ? How have they been helped over all that time ?
I think these questions can help any right thinking Kenyan citizens to make their decisions right in the future of elections.

Never Talk against your king even at you bed chamber

President Uhuru Kenyatta

Kenyans have this behavior which they have held over a long time. The behavior of declaring that Kenya belongs to God. This sounds ridiculous to someone who have got a deep understanding of God and the laws that he has for his people. We even saw the one who was prime minister and who was then minister for higher education get to the platform and got baptized by prophet Awuor. Then we all cerebrated that our leaders have reformed and they will not play politics of abusing each other again. What happened a few days later. They completely forgot that they were once baptized and went back to their abusive political lives.

If you ask them today, do you think they still remember that they were once baptised. They forgot because that is not what they are for sure. Their inner materials are very different from what you saw on that day. No matter how much we shout that Kenya belongs to God, there is no seed of godliness in the Kenyans. They will still remain a nation that does not recognize God in any way of their leadership. If for sure they do, then all the politics that are played in this country will not be there. Have you ever heard that the old Jews over played politics ?

The worst thing is that, despite the fact that, we say Kenya is a christian country and even the opposition leader is saved, the opposition leaders always talk very hurting things against the president of the republic of Kenya. They do not remember that they vowed at one point that they belong to God and thus, the curse of God on those who talk ill of their leaders keep following them. A wise man can be able to connect unusual deaths with curses that God sends due to some people talking against their God given leaders.

In the bible 2 Samuel 16;5 Shimei son of Gera cursed David at a time he had been overthrown by his son Absalom. David told him that he will not hurt him because perhaps, God of Israel have allowed Shimei to curse him. That did no guarantee him a peaceful death, he had to be punished for it was God who was to make sure that he was.
This message is supposed to get deeply into the ears of Kenyans, you can not curse a king and go free